Answer to The Olden Times were Worse!

Correct answer is C. The parietal pleura receives innervation from the phrenic and anterior intercostal nerves; the visceral pleura, microscopic,  surrounding the lung and cannot be peeled off, does have visceral afferents. Survivors of drowning do detail the pain felt in their lungs, but it is a different pain than one would feel if the parietal pleura is inflamed, as from pleurisy.


Answer to this question is based on material presented in lectures 6 of the Thorax Lecture Series.

  1. = Rib

  2. = Parietal pleura

  3. = Visceral pleura

  4. = Innermost intercostal mm.

  5. = Diaphragm


Call Your Mother, but not When Driving


The olden times were worse!