Answer to Little Miss Muffet did not Vote for Jack Horner

Correct answer is B. The indicated area is the arch of the aorta; hence, Jack suffered from an ascending aortic aneurysm. The left recurrent laryngeal runs inferior and medial to the arch. An aneurysm at this location will impact the left recurrent laryngeal nerve. The right recurrent laryngeal nerve emerges from the right vagus posterior to the right subclavian; the right recurrent laryngeal nerve is not a structure of the thorax. Both phrenic nerves run in the  middle mediastinum, anterior to the root of the lung, but outside the pericardium.


Answer to this question is based on material presented in lectures 13 of the Thorax Lecture Series.


Tachy Tacky


Little Miss Muffet did not Vote for Jack Horner