Answer to The Clumsy Archer
Correct answer is E. While it is likely that the archer injured his scaphoid bone by breaking his fall with his outstretched hand, the fracture would not have led to the obvious symptoms associated with the apparent hemorrhage. A major artery must have been torn during the fall to lead to such rapid growth of the bulge. Hence, the digital branches are unlikely to lead to a massive hemorrhage, whereas the tearing of the radial artery in such an injury, although rare, is the only plausible explanation given the labeled structures.
Answer to this question is based on material presented in lecture 5 of the upper limb series.
Labeled Structures
1 = Scaphoid
2 = Metatarsal
3 = Digital branch of superficial palmar arch
4 = Digital branch of superficial palmar arch
5 = Radial artery