Answer to Deep Throat
Correct answer is A. If the aorta is compromised distal to the exit of the left subclavian artery during the surgery, the left upper limb should remain well vascularized. In contrast, blood supply to the left lower limb (as well as the right lower limb) is likely to experience a significant compromise. Recall, the thoracic aorta will split into the common iliac arteries that ach supplies one of the lower limbs. With respect to the bronchi, the bronchial arteries arise from the ventral aorta. As well, the posterior intercostal arteries arise distal to where the left subclavian arises. The distal third of the esophagus is also supplied by branches from the aorta.
Answer to this question is based on material presented in lectures 13 of the Thorax Lecture Series.
= Upper Limb
= Lower Limb
= Right primary bronchus
= Posterior intercostal a.
= Distal esophagus