A Joker in Every Crowd

A group of first-year medical students head out to a stand-up comedy club to celebrate successful completion of their gross anatomy practical exam. After a few drinks (well several), one of the students is invited to the stage and jumps at the opportunity to practice stand-up. He grabs the mic and does his organic chemistry joke about poison, but there was no reaction; his joke dies on stage. Crestfallen while tipsy, our amateur comic returns to his seat not knowing that courtesy of one of his “buddies” his drink now contained a roofie.  (I'll leave others to ask:  What kind of a medical student doesn’t know the difference between a prank and a roofie?!?) The comedian imbibes the drink and shortly thereafter begins to show signs of respiratory distress – he convulses, passes out, and foam begins to emerge from his mouth. He is driven to the ED (one of the students was the designated driver and had not drunk alcohol) where the joker confesses his misdeeds. He states that when he drinks, he becomes a pun – isher. The ED physician begins the process of pumping our amateur comic’s stomach. Which structure shown in the images indicates the correct location where the nasogastric tube will be found if this procedure is done correctly?

Which numbered line points to the esophagus?


Answer to A Joker in Every Crowd


Answer to Legend of Sleepy Hollow