Love Story

Baby boomers remember Love Story, the story of the blue-blood Oliver Barret IV and the blue-collar Jennifer Cavilleri, two college students at Harvard and Radcliffe, respectively, who marry before graduating. They have personal struggles but they persist through all of the problems because Jennifer utters the ultimate syrupy saying: “love means never having to say you are sorry.” Yes, you can blame the evolution of T. Swift’s epic success with break up lyrics on Love Story, except her Swifties will get it all wrong if they overlook that sometimes they guy is left solo. Evidence:  Jennifer ultimately develops leukemia and dies, leaving Oliver all alone with his broken heart, or Takotsubo syndrome, that results in pulmonary edema and low blood pressure. In the images, which vessel carries oxygenated blood to the heart?

Which vessel carries oxygenated blood?


Answer to Love Story


Answer to Call Your Mother, but not When Driving