Jerry, Jerry Quite Contrary

Everyone said that Jerry was born ornery. In kindergarten when the children were told it was rest time, Jerry wanted to play. During recess, it was his nap time. The pattern continued on into high school: Springtime was for football and ice hockey, fall was for baseball. Everything that was considered usual and customary, our contrarian Jerry found opposite and atypical. He would sing rock and roll during Church choir practice, and sing church music with his band at a rage. No wonder he kept few life-long friends. This pattern continued even after Jerry went to college on a sports scholarship. Interestingly, at his entrance physical exam it was revealed Jerry had situs inversus.  Where would you listen for the apical beat of Jerry’s heart and where would the mitral (bicuspid) valve project to the surface?

What are the mitral valve surface projection and auscultation site in situs inversus?


Answer to Jerry, Jerry Quite Contrary


Answer to Love Story