Not Your Mother’s Pimple!

16 yo preparing for her first prom notices large zits on one cheek, some close to her right orbital margin. Mortified, she applies heavy make-up, but does not pop the offending blemish. (Her mother had warned her about scaring, or worse, if she squeezed a pimple.) She attends the prom but did not have a good time (the boy was rude, picked her up late and made fun of her heavy make-up, and to cap it all off, they went to the wrong after party.) A week after the prom she begins to show signs of double vision, dizziness and facial pain. She confesses to her mom about the excess make-up she had applied on prom night, and her mom becomes certain that this is a cover up, insists that she actually pop the zit and now our prom going teenager has a massive infection. She is taken to the ED where she trips and falls walking down the stairs, leading to an MRI examination. The MRI reveals a cavernous sinus meningioma, but no sign of meningitis from the possible infection from her face’s danger spot. (Still, her mother is certain that the zit is the root cause of her daughter’s ailment.) At which location is the tumor located in our teenage prom goer?

What is the location of the meningioma?


Answer to Not Your Mother’s Pimple!


Answer to Jumping Virginia Gentleman