Worm Man

Professor Siegfried, the local college’s physics genius, is given to eccentric, even peculiar behavior. He is sure that aliens captured him and took him to another galaxy via a wormhole between two black holes.   He is certain of this because he can feel worm-like structures in his left scrotum. Most disconcertingly, he shows his scrotum to his graduate students and demonstrates that the size of the “worms” can increase if he performs a Valsalva maneuver. He is immediately sent for psychiatric evaluation and a physical that reveals his “worms” are nothing more than a varicocele. 

Questions: Where is the likely site for obstruction leading to the varicocele?

Postscript: Wormholes were theorized by Einstein as hypothetical structures in the fabric of space. They have nothing to do with worms.


Answer to Worm Man


Answer to “Coffee” in the Morning? Go see the Doctor