Daily Questions

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I will post a higher-order question that emphasizes a humanistic approach to understanding gross anatomy in an applied clinical setting.

On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, I will post the correct answer. The answer to each question is based on a specific lecture that I link to in each regional series of the body.

The Pointer Sisters
Abdomen Carlos Suarez Abdomen Carlos Suarez

The Pointer Sisters

The Pointer sisters are known for the fame of their song, “I’m So Excited,” during the disco era. But their story is more complicated than that. As their song lyric begins, “Tonight’s the night we’re gonna make it happen” their producer totally misunderstood the mood and dallied in flagrante delicto. ….

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Love has no Boundaries
Abdomen Carlos Suarez Abdomen Carlos Suarez

Love has no Boundaries

Romeo falls madly in love with Juliet and spots her on the balcony (it was legal to be a peeping Tom back then). Romeo speaks, “O that he could be a ‘ring’ upon that hand, so he may touch that cheek.” (A little poetic license here.) ….

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Grumpy Young Men
Abdomen Carlos Suarez Abdomen Carlos Suarez

Grumpy Young Men

The medical students cannot figure out what has happened to their favorite gross anatomy professor. He is a 32-year-old man, fit, but his sense of humor has left him. Prior to each lecture, he takes a large swig of Pepto-Bismol, growls, makes a horrible face, then announces “let’s get this over with”. No matter what anatomy structure is the topic that day, he always relates it to his personal travails with burning epigastric pain. . ….

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Yellow Submarine
Abdomen Carlos Suarez Abdomen Carlos Suarez

Yellow Submarine

A 78-year-old Beatles fan finally obtains highly sought-after tickets to a tribute band’s revival of Yellow Submarine. ….

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If you come to a fork on the road …
Abdomen Carlos Suarez Abdomen Carlos Suarez

If you come to a fork on the road …

Yogi Berra was the greatest. How could anyone not listen to his utterances that became aphorisms such as “if you come to a fork on the road, take it.” Clearly Berra understood the body well because ….

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Messi Mesentery
Abdomen Carlos Suarez Abdomen Carlos Suarez

Messi Mesentery

Luis, a 1st year medical student, is a self-proclaimed superfan of the world’s most popular sport, fútbol. He is devoted to Lionel Messi. Shortly after Messi announces his departure from FC Barcelona, Luis begins to experience crampy abdominal pain, vomiting, and constipation. He assumes these symptoms are related to the knowledge that his friends who rooted for Real Madrid would now show him no mercy. …

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Tricky Treitz
Abdomen Carlos Suarez Abdomen Carlos Suarez

Tricky Treitz

A third-year medical student is on her 4th hour of retracting during an exploratory laparotomy on the Trauma Surgery service for a patient who suffered multiple gunshot wounds to the abdomen. The student has a poor view of the operative field and is trying to follow along with the resident’s and attending’s conversations. They too seem disoriented after running the bowel and finding multiple injuries requiring resection, and begin looking for the Ligament of Treitz (LoT). …

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Buffalo Cowboy
Abdomen Carlos Suarez Abdomen Carlos Suarez

Buffalo Cowboy

It always seems that tough guys over indulge in behavior that will lead them astray. And so it was for one particular buffalo farmer who spent his life out on the range. His many lonely days/nights herding buffalo out on the range and far from his family led to his developing a heavy reliance on “the bottle”. …

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Easter Peeps
Abdomen Carlos Suarez Abdomen Carlos Suarez

Easter Peeps

Easter comes but once a year and Pippin uses this special day to indulge her principal food passion: marshmallow Easter Peeps dipped in chocolate. Unfortunately for Pippin, she suffers from gall stones and her gastroenterologist has warned her to go easy on the chocolate. But who can control themselves after listening to “Amazing Grace” all morning and fasting since midnight? . …

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Good Cop, Bad Cop
Abdomen Carlos Suarez Abdomen Carlos Suarez

Good Cop, Bad Cop

Who can forget the scene in The Dark Knight (2008) when Batman plays the bad cop? The Joker expertly responds to the good cop, bad cop routine and completely neutralizes Batman by driving him to a violent rage. …

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