Answer to The Pointer Sisters

Question: Which structure was likely injured by the heavy blows to the indicated area?

Correct answer is C, the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. Such injuries are commonly referred to as “hip pointers”. The lateral femoral nerve emerges from the lumbar plexus and provides sensation to the front and sides of the thigh. This is a pure sensory nerve and it is at risk in contact sports. The classic example is when a defensive end rushes the quarterback in football and an offensive linemen hits them hard with their helmets below the waist. The nerve can be crushed as it travels just deep to the inguinal ligament below the ASIS. (This blocking maneuver is now illegal in football because of the injuries). Volleyball players, surprisingly, are also at risk of this type of injury. They sometimes fall on their hips after striking the ball.

  1. = Subcostal n.

  2. = Ilioinguinal-iliohypogastric n.

  3. = Lateral femoral cutaneous n.

  4. = Femoral n.

  5. = Obturator n.

Answer to this question is based on material presented in lectures 8 of the Abdomen Lecture Series.


Choose your Seat Wisely


The Pointer Sisters