Buffalo Cowboy
It always seems that tough guys over indulge in behavior that will lead them astray. And so it was for one particular buffalo farmer who spent his life out on the range. His many lonely days/nights herding buffalo out on the range and far from his family led to his developing a heavy reliance on “the bottle”. Although he always claimed he was being “over poured”, he never thought of getting help for the underlying causes of his excessive drinking until it ultimately caused portal hypertension. Prior to his liver transplant, his first born was heading to college to which he said, “Bison”.
Question: In cases of portal hypertension, the indicated vessels are most likely to anastomose to which of the following vessels?
A. Azygos system of vv.
B. Inferior vena cava
C. Left umbilical v.
D. Superior mesenteric v.
E. Subcostal vv.