Tutti Frutti

Play Little Richard’s Tutti Frutti to a boomer parent and you will bring tears to their eyes while memories of days gone by flood in.   Next you will see them try breakdancing. And so it was for Chuck, a 74 yo, overweight parent of two adult children. The morning following his Tutti Frutti revelry, Chuck wakes up with a horrible pain in his epigastric region that radiates to his back. Naturally he attributes this new symptom to his spontaneous prancing the previous day. But his ever-skeptical wife does not buy this self-diagnosis because she recently noted repeated fatigue spells and bouts of nausea that she had credited to his recent weight loss but now wonders if there is a malady afoot when she connects his abdominal pain to an increasing yellow “tint” in his eyes.

Question: Based on these symptoms, which of the indicated organs is the likely cause of the pain?


Answer to Tutti Frutti


Answer to Strong but Wrong!