The Abdominals of Dorian Greyish
Dorian Greyish was a committed weightlifter at Wilde High School who spent untold hours at the gym working on his abdominals. He was obsessed with his six-pack. An admirer photographed Dorian’s abdominals and posted the image at his gym, to which Dorian exclaimed, “I would gladly sell my soul to maintain those abdominal muscles forever; if only the picture would age instead of me.” At Wilde School’s 25-year reunion, as expected, almost everyone that made it back to school was overweight, with large and extended bellies draped over their belts. But not Dorian. He shows up with his perfect abdominals and proudly preens next to the now tattered 25-year-old snapshot. Sadly, and unbeknownst to Dorian, the photograph now sports a prominent spigelian hernia emerging from the semilunar line, and the abdominal content is protruding through the transversus aponeurosis. In the image, can you point out the location of the spigelian hernias?
Question: Where is the location of the semilunar line?
Postscript: Thanks to Oscar Wilde for the story line.