Patrick and Brock

Patrick and Brock are toddlers who frequently demonstrate their dislike of Travis by pummeling him with stuffed toys or launching them into his playpen. While Travis is always at the receiving end of their ill will and air born toys, he catches them with agility and gives them to Taylor, who then bursts into song about Jonas, another toddler who no longer plays in the playpen. At nap time, Patrick and Brock’s jealousy of Travis’ athletic prowess overtakes their toddler-level attempts at self-control and they both jump on Travis’s abdomen. He immediately wakes up in agony and grabs the back of his lower, left chest. It is clear that something terribly wrong has occurred and he is rushed to the ED. Evidence of hemorrhage in the abdomen is demonstrated using CT.

Question: Which indicated vessel was likely injured by Patrick and Brock jumping on Travis?

Postscript: Thank you to Drew Bolster, M’24, Georgetown University Medical school for the dissection.


Answer to Patrick and Brock


Answer to Poison Ivy Should be Called Green Ivy