Answer to Patrick and Brock

Correct answer is E, the splenic artery. The spleen is the visceral organ most frequently injured in blunt abdominal trauma. Trauma is also the most common cause of a ruptured spleen. The injury likely resulted from the classic type of injury that children induce on one another – for whatever reason, it is attractive for kids to jump on each other when one is lying down. If a kid jumps feet down on the abdomen of an unsuspecting child flat on their back, the spleen is at risk of injury from blunt trauma. The injury to the spleen can also result in injury to the splenic artery. While the other arteries can also be injured, the relative exposed location of the splenic artery is possibly the reason for why it is more likely to be injured over the others. At one time the only treatment for such injuries was a splenectomy. Presently, attempts are made using laparoscopy technology to try and repair the splenic artery, but it is still a difficult procedure.

  1. = Common hepatic a.

  2. = Hepatic artery proper

  3. = Celiac trunk

  4. = Splenic a.

  5. = Gastroduodenal a.

Answer to this question is based on material presented in lectures 7 of the Abdomen Lecture Series.


Good Fences Make Good Neighbors. Not!


Patrick and Brock