The Wrong Mr. Whipple

George Whipple develops right, lower quadrant abdominal pain and after spiking a fever is taken to ED where appendicitis is diagnosed. Next, he is placed on a gurney and moved to the OR.  There, his name is written on the whiteboard beside his room number in the operation theatre where the general surgeon on call will perform the procedure to remove his appendix. Meanwhile, Dr. Star, a harried and ill prepared surgeon, is rushing to the OR to start his pancreaticoduodenectomy for the day when he asks the head nurse “where is the Whipple today?” She motions to Mr. Whipple’s room and after scrubbing, Dr. Star rushes in to make the first incision, clearly not at McBurney’s point.

Question: Which numbered line indicates Mc Burney’s point?


Answer to The Wrong Mr. Whipple


Answer to Good Fences Make Good Neighbors. Not!