Answer to Good Fences Make Good Neighbors. Not!

Correct answer is B. Scarpas fascia attaches to the fascia lata of the thigh and will prevent extravasated urine following an injury of the urethra to diffuse into the thigh. Such injuries occur when the bulb of the penis is damaged. In such instances, Buck's fascia is torn, then extravasated blood and urine accumulates in the superficial perineal space, passing into the penis (outer to Buck's fascia) as well as the scrotum and lower anterior abdominal wall. Large-volume extravasations may induce necrosis within a matter of days if left untreated.

  1. = Campers fascia

  2. = Scarpas fascia

  3. = Fascia transversalis

  4. = Anterior rectus sheath

  5. = Parietal peritoneum

Answer to this question is based on material presented in lectures 2 of the Abdomen Lecture Series.


The Wrong Mr. Whipple


Good Fences Make Good Neighbors. Not!