Iggy Pop is not Code for Indirect Inguinal Hernia

Iggy Pop is an American singer/musician of the proto-punk band The Stooges formed in 1967. At that time, international students entering the U.S. healthcare system were required to obtain an ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates) certification and somehow, regrettably, and despite their ECFMG accomplishments, indirect inguinal hernia was mispronounced by these students as Iggy Pop.  You can imagine how a residency interview could go astray if such students were asked to describe the difference between a direct and indirect inguinal hernia. The examiner began hearing, instead, the differences between classic rock and proto punk.

Question: In this superior view of a female abdominopelvic cavity, can you point out the location of where the neck of an indirect inguinal hernia would enter the inguinal canal?

Postscript: I thank Molly Shay, M’4, class of 2024, Georgetown University Medical School for the dissection.


Answer to Iggy Pop is not Code for Indirect Inguinal Hernia


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