Answer to Iggy Pop is not Code for Indirect Inguinal Hernia

Correct answer is A. The neck of an indirect inguinal hernia is found lateral to the inferior epigastric artery. Although more common in men, they too can be found in the females. The hernia will enter the inguinal canal at the deep inguinal ring and will exit at the superficial inguinal ring.  The deep inguinal ring is found just lateral to the inferior epigastric artery. In female cadavers, the ring is mostly collapsed on itself and does not appear as an opening. The opening is more apparent in the male cadavers given that the vas deferens that runs through tends to be larger.

1.= Deep inguinal ring

2.= Area of iliac muscle

3.= Area medial to psoas major muscle

4.= Fundus of uterus

5.= Dome of bladder

Answer to this question is based on material presented in lectures 5 of the Abdomen Lecture Series.


Correct Whipple Procedure


Iggy Pop is not Code for Indirect Inguinal Hernia