Correct Whipple Procedure

In the previous iteration of this story, the harried Dr. Star walked into the wrong operating room thinking he was about to perform a Whipple procedure. You’ll recall that the patient’s name was George Whipple and this was the reason for the confusion. Fortunately, the medical student spoke up and stated she had prepped for an appendectomy, not a Whipple, and the mistake was corrected. Dr. Starr then goes to the correct operating room and begins to pepper the student there with questions – it will be a long and tiring day (and evening) for this medical student.

Question: Which of the indicated structures will be excised from the patient during the Whipple procedure, in which the head of the pancreas must be removed due to cancer, because blood supply to such structure cannot be guaranteed if the head of the pancreas is removed?

Postscript: I thank Drew Bolster, M’24, Georgetown University Medical School for the dissection.


Answer to Correct Whipple Procedure


Answer to Iggy Pop is not Code for Indirect Inguinal Hernia