Answer to Correct Whipple Procedure

Correct answer is C, the duodenum. If the head of the pancreas is removed as part of the Whipple procedure due to cancer, the blood supply to the duodenum cannot be guaranteed. Hence, the duodenum is removed and part of the small intestines is then anastomosed to the body of the stomach. The gall bladder is generally removed prophylactically. If a cholecystectomy is needed after a Whipple procedure, the adhesions that formed during the surgery would make removal of the gall bladder nearly impossible. The bile duct also will need to be moved, given that the duodenum is being removed, but the bile duct will need to be reattached to maintain the bile delivery to the GI tract.

  1. = Body of stomach

  2. = Gall bladder

  3. = Duodenum

  4. = Bile duct

  5. = Body of pancreas

Answer to this question is based on material presented in lectures 7 of the Abdomen Lecture Series.


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Correct Whipple Procedure