Cowboys will be Cowboys

Two friends finish their general surgery residencies and decide to head west to a dude ranch to celebrate. While on the trail, one of them develops sharp, gripping pain in the upper right abdomen, followed by nausea/vomiting. What everyone thought was a tan, now becomes clear as really the onset of jaundice. They ride back to the ranch where the two residents agree that the healthy one should go ahead and perform a cholecystectomy at the well-stocked dude ranch clinic. What could possibly go wrong? Immediately after identifying the hepatoduodenal ligament and trying to expose the bile duct, the resident nicks a vessel and blood spurts everywhere.

Question: In the two images labeled A and B, respectively pre and post cholecystectomy, which indicated structure was likely injured at the site of the arrow shown in the survey image pre-operatively shown on the left?


Answer to Cowboys will be Cowboys


Answer to Correct Whipple Procedure