Luck of the Irish Runs Out?
Lucky Chucky is born with blind luck; he wins at every game of chance he tries. As a senior in high school he wins the state Lotto, which provides him with additional funds to engage in serious betting. He moves to Las Vegas where Chucky becomes a regular at the roulette tables, always winning big paydays and often breaks the house bank. The casinos remedy his seemingly endowed Genie luck by offering him part ownership, but he must pass a general physical, including whole body MRI. MRI images indicate the presence of a small mass in the upper abdomen that is subsequently biopsied and found to be malignant. Lucky Chucky’s luck had run out; his large intestines were removed distal to the location where the vagus nerve innervates the colon. This location is indicated by which numbered line?
Question: At which location does the vagus nerve cease to innervate the colon?
Postscript: Ownership offer was rescinded, but Lucky Chucky wins the Lotto again the morning after waking up from the surgery and he becomes cancer free. He buys the Casino and fires the previous owners. Of course, we are thinking of a parallel universe.