Twist and Shout
While Swifties listen to song lyrics about letting go of former boyfriends, their counterparts from long ago, their parents, now worry more about “holding on” to what they have, specifically, bowel obstruction due to a volvulus. Adults between the ages of 50 and 80, those who are bedbound and suffer from chronic constipation, or those hospitalized for neuropsychiatric disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis have a higher incidence of volvulus. In the colon, the site of the volvulus most frequently occurs at a location exhibiting a mesentery. In the image, can you identify this site? (Hint: To answer this question, you must focus on the area of the lower digestive tract sandwiched between two retroperitoneal areas.) Of course, if the volvulus is surgically corrected, then you can “Swiftie” evacuate the bowels.
Question: What is the most frequent location of volvulus in the colon?
Postscript: “Twist and Shout” was performed by the legendary Beatles on the also legendary Ed Sullivan show back in 1964. In the current context it refers to twisting of the bowels and the screaming that may ensue from the excruciating pain.