Daily Questions
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I will post a higher-order question that emphasizes a humanistic approach to understanding gross anatomy in an applied clinical setting.
On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, I will post the correct answer. The answer to each question is based on a specific lecture that I link to in each regional series of the body.

A Joker in Every Crowd
A group of first-year medical students head out to a stand-up comedy club to celebrate successful completion of their gross anatomy practical exam. After a few drinks (well several), one of the students is invited to the stage and jumps at the opportunity to practice stand-up. He grabs the mic and does his organic chemistry joke about poison, but there was no reaction; his joke dies on stage. . . …

Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Halloween comes but once a year to Sleepy Hollow and this year an inventive high-school senior, Joel who lives in a rural district, is determined to reenact the famous legend. Instead of going as a headless-horsemen, he modifies his costume by hollowing out a pumpkin which Joel sets on his head. He cuts out eyes to see through. As the clock strikes midnight, our imaginative high schooler sets out on his trusty steed to terrify his friends. He gallops to the entrance of the first farm house and makes his horse rear up several times before wailing and generally causing a ruckus, then he rides away. . . …

Morticians Never Die, they just Rub Away
The lead mortician at a hospital known for its hospice care of terminally ill cancer patients is responsible for handling the deceased. He is old school meaning he does not wear gloves when going to collect the bodies; it is considered a sign of disrespect to the patients and their families. Currently, the hospice patients are more frequently than not treated with patches of fentanyl to ease the pain once they enter care. . . …

An Austin as Lovely as a Tree
Enrique, a pre-med student, receives notification that his acceptance to medical school is on its way and he accepts an invitation to go on a cross-country trip with his buddy Javier. The pre-med borrows his sister’s car, a 2021 Aston Martin Vantage F1 Roadster, and promises that he will not break any speed limits. Of course, this will not happen. As soon as they hit the road they turn on Highway Song and put the “pedal to the metal”, there is no turning back. Both students know that driving over 100 mph on country roads is not an ideal thing to do, but lots of fun, until it is not. . . …

Schweddy’s Balls
John Schweddy is a local chef in Chapel Hill famous for his Christmas desserts, one of the most sought after being his Almond Encrusted Cinnamon Balls. He is often asked to produce them in the thousands during the Holiday season which leads to tremendous stress. John Schweddy also suffers from hyperhidrosis, a common condition in which a person sweats excessively. Commonly affected areas include the armpits and palms of the hands. John is afraid of people finding out about his condition and for that reason he refuses to shake hands with customers. …

Read the Fine Print
SA down-on-his luck writer wins a 100 million lottery and fulfills his life-long-dream. He buys a British title, Lordship Viscount St. Austell-in-the-Moor Biggleswade-Brixham and the castle that comes with this title for nearly 80 million. Unfortunately he failed to read the fine print; “the new owner cannot inhabit the castle for 50 years, or until the last of the retired clowns currently inhabiting the castle are no more.” . …

Keep it Down!
Senior year comes around and a group of entitled high-school kids rents a two-bedroom, beach-front condo for the traditional “beach week”. Regrettably for their neighbor, 25 of the kids’ best friends plan to make the condo the week’s hangout and partyplace. The first night of revelry is wild for the seniors, both the high schoolers and the neighbors. The high schoolers over imbibe and there are serious episodes of “calling Ralph at the porcelain”. Neighbors bang on the shared wall several times to “keep it down”, thinking that they are only relating to the music and the student’s chattering. …
Let Science Lead the Way
35 yo mother of three marries a strict disciplinarian who does not believe in science. Her husband has joined various groups in the past, each of which eschew all forms of medical treatment. He has enjoyed excellent health, eats mostly a healthy diet, and trains regularly on overnight weekend jaunts with buddies. The mother of three hopes that in time her health too will improve. Currently, she is constantly tired, and worries that she is again slipping into depressive disorder. But, her husbands insists on no doctor visits! On one of the weekends that her husband is away, the wife visits a nearby clinic …

The Spatchcock Capon
An academic director is hired at a new medical school and it becomes her goal to implement a new curriculum. Based on her anatomical experience or lack thereof, she intends to make gross anatomy an elective and/or let students learn anatomy exclusively using artificial intelligence. To promote her new curriculum, she invites a half dozen students to her office kitchen and plans to demonstrate how to spatchcock a chicken even though she has no culinary training. While splitting “the chicken” (she had actually purchased a capon weighing well over 15 pounds), …

Deep Throat
A baby boomer undergoes a physical exam by a resident physician and he is prescribed a visit to an otolaryngologist. Not knowing the specialty of such a physician, he asks the resident to explain the referral. The resident responds that an otolaryngologist is basically a deep throat doctor and that the boomer has a mass in his neck. The boomer’s first response is to laugh and the resident is baffled. Nevertheless, the boomer visits an otolaryngologist and after CT imaging he is informed the mass extends from just distal to his left subclavian artery, to his thyroid. …