Daily Questions
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I will post a higher-order question that emphasizes a humanistic approach to understanding gross anatomy in an applied clinical setting.
On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, I will post the correct answer. The answer to each question is based on a specific lecture that I link to in each regional series of the body.

Twist and Shout
While Swifties listen to song lyrics about letting go of former boyfriends, their counterparts from long ago, their parents, now worry more about “holding on” to what they have, specifically, bowel obstruction due to a volvulus. . …

Luck of the Irish Runs Out?
Lucky Chucky is born with blind luck; he wins at every game of chance he tries. As a senior in high school he wins the state Lotto, which provides him with additional funds to engage in serious betting. He moves to Las Vegas where Chucky becomes a regular at the roulette tables, always winning big paydays and often breaks the house bank. …

The Blue Jewels Caper
While men sometimes experience a particular type of acute pain in their “je n’ais ce quois” region (polite society speak for “groin”), often after suffering a localized application of force during a sporting competition, alternative pathology can also cause significant distress. John was married to Mary, a neonatologist, who after streaming The Crown desired the same ring that Prince Charles gave to Princess Di, a Blue Sapphire. …

The Abdominals of Dorian Greyish
Dorian Greyish was a committed weightlifter at Wilde High School who spent untold hours at the gym working on his abdominals. He was obsessed with his six-pack. An admirer photographed Dorian’s abdominals and posted the image at his gym, to which Dorian exclaimed, “I would gladly sell my soul to maintain those abdominal muscles forever; if only the picture would age instead of me.” …

The Peruvian Parachutist’s Barbecue
A Peruvian cardiologist’s hobby is to skydive in the Andes. He invites his American colleagues to visit Peru and strap on parachutes with him. They all accept heartily. The day of the jump they set out on a small biplane, when huge winds kick up and force the plane off course. Nevertheless, they all decide to jump and do land safely, then radio base to tell them of their dilemma. Unfortunately, they hear it will take three to four days before they can be reached and brought back. The American cardiologists envision four days of no food, but the Peruvian exclaims “I’ve got this”. …

Gentlemen Scholars
In days of yore college experiences were vastly different than today. Only the elites, generally men, attended, and many classes were mostly experiential. After class, the “Gentlemen” would ponder entirely hypothetical questions, none of which were likely possible to test given the state of technology then. …

Tachy Tacky
Before there was Tic Toc, there was Tachy Tacky, the “cool kids” in high school who wore garish and loud clothes. Examples included wearing Fedoras, skin tight spandex midriff-baring tops a la Brittany Spears, elevated shoes with 12-inch heels, thigh-high boots with dozens of zippers, pink hoodies with orange bell bottoms, etc. Fortunately, most would outgrow this behavior, except, of course, those who needed attention, as was the case of Paula. …

Little Miss Muffet did not Vote for Jack Horner
Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and whey. Along came a spider who sat down beside her, and frightened Miss Muffet away. Meanwhile, Little Jack Horner was eating a Christmas pie. He put in his thumb, and pulled out a plum, and said “what a good boy am I.” But Jack was not a good boy – he became a greedy politician and would always have his hand in the till. ...”

ROMEOS’ Rock and Roll?
A group of ROMEOS decides to recreate their rock and roll music group from the 1960’s. They take out their guitars, drum sets and keyboards and begin rehearsing "I will do anything for love, …” by Meatloaf. However, it is now hard for them to fit into their vintage bell bottoms and look the part of wizened rockers, so they begin a vigorous exercise regime. Unfortunately, the ROMEOS failed to undergo a thorough physical exam prior to engaging in 1960 activity, not to mention their use of “stimulants” associated with that era: “…turn on, tune in, drop out! ...”

Pressure Makes us Stronger, Except …
Martin Short joins Steve Martin and Selena Gomez as one of the three stars of the Netflix series “Only Murders in the Building.” His character is that of an aging Broadway Director eager to stage a show who is frequently encountering extraordinary situations, including multiple murders. In the series’ latest season, he secures financial backing, casts actors and opens a show only to have his principal actor die suddenly and mysteriously (of course) on opening night. As Director he is confronted with an array of suspicious circumstances and also the understudy is not prepared to assume the leading man’s role. Imagine the difficulties facing the Director; but pressure makes us stronger. …